Wednesday, March 11, 2015

ReVamp Your Social Strategy

Consider your current strategy. Did you take into account the following?
  1. First thing's first: What's your goal? If your goal is just to get more Facebook fans or Twitter followers, are you working towards that? Or is your goal to increase contributions from your followers? These are goals that require a unique thought process. Bottom line here is know what you're working towards, make sure it's measurable and make sure you're measuring it!
  2. Have a personality, define it, and stick to it! Another way to think of this is "brand voice." As a self-employed professional, you have a brand and it has a voice. Keep your language and style consistent. It will built trust in your followers and they'll know what to expect when visiting your pages. 
  3. On which channels do you want to be present? If Pinterest is your bread-and-butter social channel, do you also need to have a business presence on LinkedIn? It's smarter to be on fewer channels and manage them well, than be everywhere in small spurts. Having trouble figuring out what's best for you? Think about who your customers are and where they're hanging out in their free time. You can also use a tool like Google Analytics to see which social channel is driving the most traffic to your website.
  4. Determine your time and resources *before* you start. If you're planning to spend money on social advertising, determine a budget before you get started. This will force you to think critically about your results. Also, budget your time. Decide how much time you will spend on social media each day or each week. Social media management can turn into a major time suck, so be vigilant. You can always make adjustments later!
  5. Get help! If you're creating content, posting manually and tracking all the results by yourself, the time you budgeted for social media will quickly vanish. There are numerous tools available to help you schedule and post your content, so you can get back to what's important – your business!

What's been most helpful to you when developing *your* social media strategies?

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